Our strict safety protocols are what make us unique in the pipeline contracting industry.
At L&L, we believe no employee works for us – they work with us. Each morning the L&L crew meets in the office and on every job site. During these meetings, our team members prepare for the day’s pipeline job by filling out job safety analysis (JSA) forms; a risk assessment tool used to proactively identify and prevent workplace hazards. At the end of each meeting, L&L employees are well aware of any potential risks and take every precaution to prevent them from happening.

Unlike most contractors, L&L adopts a different approach. We cut out the use of unnecessary equipment and manpower and consequently foster a safer, more controlled environment. We rarely leave an open ditch and take every measure to ensure our employees safety.
We take additional precautions that not only separate us from others in the pipeline industry, but also further maintains safety on the job site. For example, we perform all HDD bores with high-pressure air and water, which provides an efficient, clean and safer method of drilling. L&L does not use any harsh chemicals or foreign muds, and we always make sure each job site is properly contained. With each and every HDD bore, we keep a state-of-the-art sucker vac truck on site to immediately clean up any frac outs.
These are just a few ways L&L places the highest priority on job site and employee safety. When you’re working with us, you can rest assured that your job is in good hands.